
Enhancement of Nature-related disclosure

Environment & CSR

Toyota Boshoku Corporation analyzed nature-related dependencies and impacts, risks and opportunities by using LEAP approach1 which TNFD2 recommended for enhancement of nature-related disclosure based on TNFD proposal.
We will work on disclosure based on the TNFD framework and we aim to further contribute to global environmental conservation by our nature-related actions though our business.
Please check detail information from below URL.

【Toyota Boshoku WebSite(Response to the TNFD)】

※1 Integrated approach for the assessment of nature-related issues like interface with nature, dependencies and impacts on nature, nature-related risks and opportunities etc..
※2 TNFD(Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures)International initiative to consider the framework which is evaluation, management, report of dependencies and impacts on nature by corporates and financial institutions
