
Our Basic Health Management Policy & Objectives

We understand that promotion of improved health among our company members is an important corporate issue. Thus, in 2019 we established and released the Toyota Boshoku Health Declaration with the aim of promoting health-improving activities on a mid-term basis, and revised it in 2022.
Labor and management will continue working together to build a corporate culture and working environment where company members can work energetically and healthily in both mind and body.

Photo:Our Basic Health Management Policy

Health management initiatives and establishing a culture of health

Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management

With the goal of ensuring that each and every company member is healthy and happy in both mind and body, and is able to perform to the best of their ability, labor and management work together to provide health support from both a physical and mental perspective.
These activities were evaluated, and in FY2024 Toyota Boshoku was recognized in the large enterprise category of the 2024 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500), continuing from last year.
At this point in time, group companies are also engaging in their own activities, certified as a Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program: large enterprises Araco, Toyota Boshoku Kyushu, Toyota Boshoku Tohoku, as well as small-to-medium enterprises Toyota Boshoku Shiga, TB Sewtech Tohoku, TB Engineering, TB Corporate Service, TB Technogreen, TB Logistics, and Toyota Boshoku Health Insurance Association.

Logo:Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management

Our Health Management Promotion System

With the CEO as the person holding chief responsibility, the Health & Safety Center, the HR Strategy Division, the Corporate Planning Division, and the Health Insurance Association, as the divisions responsible for promotion, hold periodic meetings to promote health management.
We have appointed a Health Activities Promotion Leader for each division, hold regular meetings and have created a system to further energize health activities throughout the company. At Health & Safety Function Meetings, we share information concerning health activities with business entities and affiliated companies outside Japan to enhance health awareness. Additionally, we are strengthening cooperation with labor unions and external organizations.

Figure:Our Health Management Promotion System
  • Employee Assistance Program: a program that supports company members in dealing with issues which affect productivity.

Health Management Strategy Map

With regard to the health challenges facing the company, we believe that measures to address obesity rates, smoking rates, exercise habits, and sleep are needed. Furthermore, cross-analysis of health checkup data and stress check results revealed that improvements in exercise and eating habits during and beyond a person’s twenties is necessary, and that improvement of sleep and stress is important for presenteeism.
Based on the results of the analysis, we will continue to create strategy maps and promote activities.

Figure:Health Management Strategy Map
  • Data confirmation
  • Results of stress check, morals survey and vibrant KPI
  • Health checkup results, results of health checkup survey and interview

Final health-related target indicators

Work engagement (deviation value) [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Work engagement
(deviation value)
47 47 48.1 48.1 48.0
Number of respondents (person) 8,927 9,088 8,779 8,736 8,697
Response rate (%) 96.5 95.5 94.1 95.0 93.8

Company members’ attachment/commitment to the company.
Scaled to a mean of 50, with higher values indicating a better result. We aim to reach a deviation value of 50 by fiscal 2026.

Presenteeism (rate of lost productivity) [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
(rate of lost productivity)
37.9 37.3 36.6
Number of respondents (person) 8,734 8,703 8,664
Response rate (%) 93.7 94.6 93.4

  • Collection of data began FY2022

WHO-HPQ (Health and Work Performance Questionnaire)measures absolute presenteeism.
“Presenteeism” refers to a state of affairs where a loss of productivity occurs as a result of a company member’s ability to work being impacted by health issues. Our aim is to reach 35% or lower by FY2026.

Absenteeism (absence from work due to injuries or sickness) [Toyota Boshoku]

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Absenteeism (days) 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9

  • Employee-wide average number of days of work missed due to injuries or sickness

Use of Health Challenge 8 as an indicator of health literacy

◆Use of Health Challenge 8

With the aim of each and every company member at Toyota Boshoku performing at their best, we have defined the Health Challenge 8—eight targets which can affect a company member’s productivity, as well as their physical and mental health. Our goal is to achieve 5 out of 8 of the Health Challenge 8 targets.
Increasing the number of Health Challenge 8 targets achieved will lead to improved medical checkup results and a reduction in presenteeism losses. The Health Challenge 8 initiative, which includes establishing exercise habits, encourages the continuation of efforts that lead to better health, by improving the ability (health literacy) of each company member to think and act on their own health needs. Furthermore, starting in fiscal 2025, the days in each month containing an "8" (8th, 18th, 28th) will be designated as a Health Challenge 8 Day to build an environment that encourages greater health awareness.
In addition, the Health Challenge 8 initiatives are being shared across the Toyota Group.

The eight targets of Health Challenge 8:

① BMI ② Breakfast ③ Alcohol ④ Snacking
Less than 25% Eating breakfast every day No drinking, or at most 180ml a day Limiting snacking after dinner to twice a week or less
⑤ Smoking ⑥ Exercise ⑦ Sleep ⑧ Stress
Not smoking 30 minutes or more of exercise at least once a week Sufficient, good-quality sleep Not being affected by high stress

Trend in number of Health Challenge 8 targets met

Fiscal year 2022 2023 2024
Targets met 4.52 4.85 4.86

Health checkup x number of Challenge 8 targets met

Graph:Health checkup x number of Challenge 8 targets met

Ratio of presenteeism-induced loss, categorized by number of Challenge 8 targets met

Graph:Ratio of presenteeism-induced loss, categorized by number of Challenge 8 targets met

Health initiatives where no-one is left behind
Collaboration with Health Activities Promotion Leaders

Health Activities Promotion Leaders have been assigned to each division, with 148 individuals active at our sites nationwide. As the health-related point of contact in the various divisions, they promote health projects and work to enhance health within the division.
Promotion Leader meetings were held four times during the year at which the Leaders encouraged participation in health measures, promoted workplace-based activities undertaken by each workplace, organized teams for an inter-departmental walking rally, and promoted registration on the health portal site (PepUp).
At a roundtable discussion between President Shirayanagi and the Promotion Leaders, the Leaders shared what had made them happy, their difficulties, and their personal health sense, and Mr. Shirayanagi also expressed his expectations for the Leaders. This was shared in an internal newsletter, helping to promote a better understanding of the role of the Promotion Leaders.
In addition, discussions between the Health Activities Promotion Leaders and the health-related divisions play an important role by gathering opinions related to health from company members in their own department, sharing them during the discussion, and incorporating that content into policies.
The activities of the Health Activities Promotion Leaders are becoming increasingly important, enabling members to engage in health activities in the workplace while having fun.

Measures to cultivate good health

Health checkups held for all company members

The Toyota Boshoku group holds health checkups at all business sites, regardless of whether or not this is mandated by local law, and continues to maintain a 100% receiving rate for legally-mandated health checkups. As part of our health awareness raising activities, we will continue to provide follow-up appointments at infirmaries and worksites, and are aiming to achieve a 100% receiving rate for all health checkups independently provided by each site.
In addition, for company members who need a detailed examination after the health checkup, in order to prevent serious illness through early detection and early response, an occupational health staff member explains the results in person, leading to a hospital visit.

Rate of company members receiving legally-mandated health checkups [Toyota Boshoku Group]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Rate of company members receiving health checkup (%) 100 100 100 100 100

Rate of company members receiving detailed examinations after general health checkup [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Rate of company members receiving detailed examinations after general health checkup (%) 94.7 84.4 87.0 91.3 91.9

  • Health-related guidance is given to 100% of company members receiving detailed examinations

Status of treatment for high blood pressure after receiving health checkup results [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Rate of controlling blood pressure* (%) 27.8 21.0 40.2 58.7 57.6

  • Percentage of company members who are successfully controlling their high blood pressure (i.e. keeping it below 140/90mmHg) via medical treatment
  • controlling blood pressure (%) = number of people successfully controlling blood pressure via medical treatment number of people receiving medical treatment + number of people not receiving treatment

Implement stress check and initiatives for good mental health

Stress checks are conducted once a year, and efforts are made to prevent mental health problems by interviewing and consulting with high-stress company members in cooperation with external organizations. In addition, the applicable divisions are selected based on the organization’s stress check results, and in-house occupational health staff and outside organizations also work together to provide line care support.
Self-care training is also provided for new company members and new managers/supervisors.
For company members with mental health issues, the HR Strategy Division works with industrial physicians and occupational health staff to provide support for returning to work.

Stress check response rate [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Stress check response rate (%) 96.5 95.5 94.1 95.0 93.8

Changes in stress response (deviation value) [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Changes in Stress Response 54 55 49.1 49.3 48.9

Scaled to a mean of 50, with higher values indicating a better result. From fiscal 2022 our criteria for calculation became stricter, thanks to a review by an external organization.

Percentage of company members with high stress [Toyota Boshoku]

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Percentage of company members with high stress (%) 5.2 4.3 5.2 5.1 5.6

Anti-smoking activities

The smoking rate at Toyota Boshoku has been decreasing year by year. Although it was 29.6% in fiscal 2023, falling below 30% for the first time, it remains high compared to the national average (16.1% in 2022*). Considering that this constitutes a risk of future disease, to protect the health of company members, their families, and the people around them, we have been continuously implementing smoking cessation support activities to reduce the smoking rate, starting with the abolition of in-house cigarette sales in 2008, setting up three non-smoking days per month, subsidizing the purchase of smoking cessation medication, and assisting company members to visit smoking cessation clinics. Successful quitters have commented that these measures helped them to stay motivated.
In fiscal 2023, in preparation for the total ban of smoking on the premises starting in April 2023, we actively conducted activities to ensure company members were informed and to gain their understanding, and promoted the use of smoking cessation support. The ban then came into effect in April. The number of people using smoking cessation medication assistance has increased more than 10-fold compared to an average year, and spurred on by the ban on smoking in-house, there are many people who have either quit smoking or are trying to quit. The smoking rate in fiscal 2024 was 26.3%, a 3.3 percentage points reduction from the previous year.
In fiscal 2025, we will continue our anti-smoking month activities in line with World No Tobacco Day.

  • Source: e-Stat, a portal site of official statistics of Japan

Smoking rate [Toyota Boshoku]

Graph:Smoking rate [Toyota Boshoku]

Training by job level

Training for new company members and promoted members

Mental and physical health training is provided by in-house occupational health staff and external lecturers. Self-care training and line-care training for managers and supervisors are also provided.

Target training

Specific health guidance initiatives

Specific health guidance* is considered an important measure to address the needs of high-risk individuals. In fiscal 2024, specific health guidance was provided at certain plants on the day of in-house health checkups, a time when company members are highly health conscious. There was an increase in the number of company members who received the guidance, which had temporarily declined due to the coronavirus pandemic, and of the 1,376 eligible members, 948 (68.9%, up 7 percentage points from the previous year) received specific health guidance (first-time interview). We will continue to work with the Health Insurance Association to increase the number of people receiving specific health guidance both internally and externally, while also enhancing the guidance content.
  • Guidance given to individuals aged 40 and over who, despite a current high risk of lifestyle diseases, would likely be able to lower these risks via lifestyle improvements
Photo:Specific health guidance initiatives

Health Step-Up Training (course for 28-year-olds)

By analyzing medical checkup results and the contents of medical interviews, it can be seen that various issues with exercise and diet, such as exercising and eating breakfast less frequently, tend to arise during one’s twenties. Therefore, since fiscal 2023, we have been holding health seminars targeting 28-year-olds. Since these are health seminars for the younger generation, they are focused not only on preventing lifestyle-related diseases, but also on a conditioning perspective aimed at improving performance. In the post-attendance survey, both comprehension and satisfaction levels were above 90%, with many positive responses such as, "It made me feel like staying healthy from now on!" and "I felt refreshed as it was a seminar with actual physical movement."
In fiscal 2023, it was a 90-minute online seminar due to infection control measures, but in fiscal 2024 it was changed to a group-based, full-day seminar with enhanced content. We will strive to improve the participation rate next fiscal year by offering substitute courses or devising more accessible locations and times.
Number of participants: 157 (95.2%) in 2022; 123 (79.9%) in 2023

Post-event questionnaire

Understood 96.7%
Somewhat understood 3.3%
Not understood 0%

Satisfied 90.2%
Somewhat satisfied 8.9%
Somewhat dissatisfied 0.8%
Not satisfied 0%

Photo:Health Step-Up Training (course for 28-year-olds)

Health Step-up Training (course for 35-year-olds)

We run a special health seminar for 35 year-old company members, with the aim of enabling a reversal of common trends such as a reduction in exercise and an increase in body weight. This seminar is designed to review the results of health checkups and learn about lifestyle modification and obesity prevention through physical fitness tests. In the post-seminar questionnaire, participants were able to clarify their own issues and goals, such as "I'll do muscle training twice a week!" and "I'll stop snacking before bedtime." As with the seminar for 28-year-olds, the event was carried out online during the coronavirus pandemic, but since fiscal 2024 has reverted to a group-based, full-day seminar. We will continue working to create an environment that facilitates participation.
Number of participants: 222 (96.1%) in 2022; 180 (76.6%) in 2023
Photo:Health Step-up Training (course for 35-year-olds)

Post-event questionnaire

Understood 90.0%
Somewhat understood 9.4%
Not understood 0.6%

Satisfied 73.9%
Somewhat satisfied 23.9%
Somewhat dissatisfied 2.2%
Not satisfied 0%

Mental health training for second year of regular employment, first year of mid-career hires

Since a tendency was observed for the environmental change after joining the company to trigger mental health issues, mental health training is provided by external instructors in the second year of regular employment and the first year of mid-career hires. Support is given for learning self-care and applying this in daily life.
Participation rate: 85.2% in 2022; 85.8% in 2023

Population approach*1

Women’s health seminars —held jointly with the Toyota Boshoku Health Insurance Association—

To address PMS*2, menopausal issues, and other health issues specific to women, we invited an external lecturer to hold a seminar on learning self-care in response to hormonal changes, including practical skills using hand cream. The content meets the needs of female company members who want to live more comfortably and improve their quality of life. In fiscal 2024, female company members both gathered at a venue and watched an online stream, which not only increased participation but also provided an opportunity for female members to communicate with each other. In the post-seminar questionnaire, the satisfaction rate was over 90%, with positive comments such as, "It was helpful for self-care," and "Even women who do not have much time can continue."
FY2023 Live participants: 68
Catch-up broadcast views: 462 views
FY2024 Live participants: 155
Catch-up broadcast views: 256 views
  • Initiatives to reduce risk by targeting groups of people regardless of whether they are at risk
  • Premenstrual syndrome: Mental and physical symptoms that occur before menstruation
Photo:Women’s health seminars

Post-event questionnaire

Satisfied 74.8%
Somewhat satisfied 23.9%
Somewhat dissatisfied 1.3%
Not satisfied 0%

Want to put into practice from tomorrow 94.8%
Neutral 5.2%

Seminar on understanding women's health (for all company members)

Understanding and support from the entire workplace is essential for women to continue working vibrantly. In order to increase awareness and deepen understanding of women's health issues, we have been offering e-learning since fiscal 2025, regardless of job position or gender. Having a common understanding of knowledge about women's health issues will lead to a comfortable work environment for everyone.
Number of participants: 6,773 (71.0%) in 2024

Sleep seminars

At Toyota Boshoku there is a distinctive connection between presenteeism and the quality of a company member’s sleep. Therefore, we conducted a seminar on sleep techniques to improve work performance. The number of participants on the day of the seminar increased from the previous fiscal year. In a post-seminar questionnaire, 90% or more of the respondents were satisfied or somewhat satisfied, and 98% answered "yes" to the question, "Was there anything you wanted to put into practice after the seminar?" Many participants commented, "I want to use the sleep techniques I learned today, starting tomorrow," and "I will be more conscious of sleep pressure," indicating a high level of interest in sleep among company members. We will continue to implement our sleep-related initiatives in the future.
FY2023 Live participants: 288
Catch-up broadcast views: 244 views
FY2024 Live participants: 425
Catch-up broadcast views: 331 views

Photo:Seminar held online (NeuroSpace Co., Ltd.)
Seminar held online (NeuroSpace Co., Ltd.)

Post-event questionnaire

Satisfied 44.9%
Somewhat satisfied 44.7%
Neutral 7.1%
Somewhat dissatisfied 0.4%
Dissatisfied 0%

TB Food Education Project (Veg First Campaign)

In 2023, we launched a food education initiative for company members using our cafeteria spaces. Salad menus tailored to each cafeteria were subsidized for a limited time, and pop-ups and cafeteria signage were used to communicate the benefits of "veg first." During the campaign period, the number of small bowls of salad consumed increased by 142%. We will continue with our efforts from fiscal 2025, under the TB Food Education project, to help company members deepen their own interest in food and improve food literacy.

Photo:TB Food Education Project (Veg First Campaign)
Photo:TB Food Education Project (Veg First Campaign)

Inter-departmental walking rallies

As in fiscal 2023, we held an inter-departmental event competing on the number of steps taken, using a health portal site (app) called PepUp. In addition to the average number of steps taken, the participation rate of each department is scored, so members invite each other to participate, leading to a change in behavior.

Fiscal year 2023 2024
Inter-departmental walking rallies participation rate (%) 13.3 26.9

Health lectures (held by department)

In-house staff (occupational health nurses, nurses, etc.) served as lecturers, and each department selected one out of 10 health lectures to hold online. Discussion among members after the lecture generates a health buzz in the workplace. Beginning in fiscal 2025, we are planning for staff members to travel to each department to give face-to-face lectures.

List of health lecture content
Introduction to PepUp
About the Health Challenge 8
Tips for dealing with alcohol
What is mental health?
Tips on snacking
Make your health checkup results your greatest ally
Weight loss recommendations
Gut health recommendations
Food choices to maintain proper weight

Fiscal year 2023 2024
Participation rate in workplace-based activities (%) 43.0 40.9

Posting of fitness videos and health-related columns

We continued to distribute health-related articles in fiscal 2024.
Amid growing interest in health among company members, there have been inquiries about training methods. Consequently, we have increased the number of articles since last fiscal year and expanded their content, distributing 2 to 3 health articles per month on the company's intranet. The use of signage and bulletin boards has increased the opportunities for company members to come into contact with this information. This initiative has led to an increase in the number of views, with the average number of article readers exceeding 500. We will continue to enhance our initiatives to raise company members' health literacy by tailoring distribution to their needs.

Photo:Videos accessed via QR codes (videos supplied by RIZAP)
Videos accessed via QR codes (videos supplied by RIZAP)

Health management using smartphones

We support health activities using a health portal site (app) called PepUp.
In fiscal 2024, events such as quizzes related to the Health Challenge 8 and inter-departmental walking rallies were held via PepUp to encourage participation through an incentive system.
As of March 2024, there were 5,535 registrants (59.4% registration rate, up by 1,289 persons from the previous year). We will continue to plan events that allow company members to participate while having fun, and we will use this as one of our initiatives to improve the health literacy of company members, while also increasing the number of registrants.

PepUp registration rate by fiscal year

Graph:Health management using smartphones

Topic: The need for initiatives to strengthen specific health guidance and improve drinking habits

Strengthening our specific health guidance

The obesity rate, which had continued to rise through 2020, was 0.9 percentage points lower in 2023 compared to 2022, and was about the same ratio as in 2020. As a result, it has remained flat over the past few years.
Among people aged 40 and over with improved BMI* (199 persons), 50.7% (101 persons) participated in specific health guidance. It was confirmed that lifestyle changes resulting from this guidance led to weight loss and an improvement in the obesity rate at Toyota Boshoku.

  • People with improved BMI: Company members whose BMI was 25 or higher in 2022 and decreased to under 25 in 2023, based on health checkups

Changes in percentage of company members with BMI 25 or more

Graph:Changes in percentage of company members with BMI 25 or more

Upon confirming the details of the weight loss effects of the specific health guidance intervention, particularly for those who could receive motivational support*, there was a large difference in the effect of improvement depending on whether motivational support had been implemented or not. For those who receive motivational support, specific health guidance is a trigger for behavioral change, and intervention effects can be expected.
With active support*, even those who had not yet received specific health guidance saw weight loss benefits. It is also possible that the arrival of instructional guidance led to a behavioral change. There is also a possibility that the reason for not receiving guidance was that they had already begun health initiatives, and didn't feel the need for guidance. We will also continue to monitor the status of those who have not yet received active support.

  • Motivational support and active support: Support methods stratified (classified) according to the results of specific health checkup results. Support targeted to higher risk individuals is active support

Specific health guidance implementation status and weight change

Graph:Specific health guidance implementation status and weight change
  • Includes those who have completed a guidance program of 3 months or more and those who have conducted only the initial interview

Initiatives to improve drinking habits

The number of Health Challenge 8 targets met was 4.86, up only 0.01 from last year.

Trend in number of Health Challenge 8 targets met

Fiscal year 2022 2023 2024
Targets met 4.52 4.85 4.86

The percentage of company members achieving "proper weight," "no smoking," and "exercise" in the Health Challenge 8 increased, while the items "alcohol consumption" and "sleep" saw a decrease of about 2%.
The worsening of drinking habits among all ages is thought to be related in part to lifestyle changes following the reclassification of COVID-19 to Class 5, but since the worsening of drinking habits among those in their 20s was particularly marked, we will also consider offering alcohol education to younger members.

Year-on-year comparison of Health Challenge 8 "alcohol consumption" target achieved (No drinking, or at most 180ml a day)

Graph:Initiatives to improve drinking habits

Establishment of a health-related consultation service

We have launched an appointment-only, health-related consultation service provided by occupational health staff (doctors, occupational health nurses, nurses, etc.). We aim to provide a contact point where members can easily drop in to talk about things such as, "I can't sleep these days," or "I don't really understand the results of my health checkup."

Infectious disease measures

Epidemics have been experienced in the past, including swine influenza and SARS. The Toyota Boshoku group has taken effective measures to manage and overcome such epidemics, including COVID-19. We will continue taking measures to prevent infection among company members, and to stop the spread of viruses both within the Toyota Boshoku group and our local communities. We also share data about the number of infected persons with our affiliates and suppliers in order to minimize the impact on production in the event of the spread of infection. We will continue to work closely with these companies and provide assistance when there is a spread of infection.
In addition, we are fully aware of the importance of fighting worldwide health issues, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria (sometimes referred to as “the 3 major infectious diseases”). Whenever company members are transferred outside Japan, Toyota Boshoku carries out various measures for the benefit of both these company members and their families, including vaccinations and the distribution of detailed information regarding infection risks.