Our Approach to Information Disclosure

Our reporting of Information

We report detailed information on our Sustainability site, including the Toyota Boshoku group’s fundamental approach to sustainable growth and results for FY2024, as well as our plans for the future and non-financial information concerning ESG.Additionally, we have published the Toyota Boshoku Report, which contains the Toyota Boshoku group’s mid-term initiatives for enhancing corporate value, along with a variety of other important information. Please feel free to take a look.

Sustainability (website)

In order to fulfill our duty to keep our various stakeholders informed, we aim to disclose all necessary information, including detailed data, in a comprehensive manner. At the time of reporting, we reference a variety of guidelines, such as the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards), the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), and the Environmental Reporting Guidelines (Fiscal Year 2018 Version).

The Toyota Boshoku Report (Integrated Report)

Since FY2008, we have combined the Annual Report, which focuses on management strategy and performance results, with the Environmental and Social Report, which focuses on our environmental and social activities, into the Toyota Boshoku Report. The Toyota Boshoku Report is produced as an integrated report centered on our approach to the group’s corporate value, and our Value Creation Story.

Organizations reported on

The information in this report applies to the Toyota Boshoku group in Japan and other regions throughout the world. However, the scope of reporting differs for each initiative. The targets of reporting are displayed in the chart below.

  • Toyota Boshoku group: Japan, The Americas, Asia, China and Europe & Africa regions
  • Toyota Boshoku: Toyota Boshoku Corporation
  • Japan region: Toyota Boshoku Corporation and Japan affiliates
  • Outside Japan: The Americas, Asia, China and Europe & Africa regions

The scope for some items is stated on respective pages.

Period covered by report

This report is centered on the status of our activities during FY2024 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024). In order to report on the status of Toyota Boshoku group’s latest activities, appropriate information on activities beyond FY2024 is also included. Additionally, in order to make clear changes in data over time, some information on activities before FY2024 is also included.

Reference guidelines, etc.

At the time of reporting, we reference guidelines such as the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, also referred to as GRI Standards, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), and the Environmental Reporting Guidelines (Fiscal Year 2018 Version), published by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment. Additionally, our activities are built on ISO 26000.

Guidelines referenced:

Third Party Guarantee

In order to guarantee the credibility of the contents of reporting, we have received third-party assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., for environmental performance data between April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 that is marked with an Assurance symbol Assurance symbol (recorded in Environmental Management, GHG Net-zero in the product life cycle, and Environmental Data by categories)