Q.When was the Company founded?
The company was founded in 1918 as Toyoda Boshoku Corporation.
Please click here for the corporate history.
Q.When were the Company's shares first listed on the stock exchange?
Toyota Boshoku was first listed on the stock exchange in August 1950.
Q.What are the principal businesses of Toyota Boshoku?
Toyota Boshoku's principle businesses are automotive interior components, filtration and power train components, and textiles, exterior components and other parts. Please click here for details regarding principal businesses.
Q.What is your way of thinking about corporate governance?
Please click here for details regarding Toyota Boshoku’s corporate governance.
Stock Information
Q.What is the shareholder composition?
Please click here for the breakdown.
Q.Who is Toyota Boshoku's transfer agent?
The transfer agent is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
Q.What is the number of shares in each trading unit?
Q.How can I exercise my voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders?
There are three methods.
1. You can vote by attending the General Meeting of Shareholders and bringing your Voting Rights Exercise Form.
2. You can indicate your vote on the Voting Rights Exercise Form sent to you and return the form via post.
3. You can access and indicate your vote on your Voting Rights Exercise Form online.
Q.What is your stance regarding dividends?
Toyota Boshoku considers the continuation of long-term, stable dividend payout to be the foundation of its basic dividend policy. As such, we always take the wider picture into consideration, including the group’s performance and the dividend payout ratio, in order to meet our shareholders expectations.
Q.When is the fixed date that dividends are paid on?
The date is March 31 for year-end dividends and September 30 for interim dividends.
Q.Is there a shareholder special benefit plan?
No, there is not.
Financial Information
Q.When is the fiscal year-end?
The fiscal year-end is March 31.
Q.Where can I find information on the latest financial results?
Q.Where can I find annual reports and other financial documents?
Q.Where can I find out about product information?
Product information can be found here.
Q.What environmental activities is Toyota Boshoku engaging in?
Please click here for details regarding Toyota Boshoku’s environmental activities.
Q.What social contribution activities is Toyota Boshoku engaging in?
Please click here for details regarding Toyota Boshoku’s social contribution activities.
Q.Where can I make IR-related inquiries?
IR-related inquiries can be made here.