Initiatives for Intellectual Property
Basic Approach
We recognize that intellectual property is an important business asset, and in order for this to contribute to our corporate and technology strategies, we are promoting IP activities to ensure the freedom and competitive advantage of our global operations.
Furthermore, in order to realize the Toyota Boshoku group’s materiality, we will further strengthen our intellectual property by establishing a priority patent network, in addition to achieving the KPI for the number of patent applications.
We are also committed to respecting the intellectual property of others, and perform thorough investigation to ensure that neither our products nor our R&D infringes on any intellectual property.
IP governance structure
In addition to the existing IP Committee and IP Promotion Committee WG, since fiscal 2024 reports have been made at the annual Board of Directors meeting in order to implement effective oversight by the Board of Directors, and discussions concerning IP strategies have been undertaken at the R&D Segment Planning Meeting, an executive meeting.
Three Pillars of IP Activities
In order for our company and products to appeal to as many people as possible, we are addressing the three pillars of Intellectual property, Human capital, and Intellectual property investment as assets that contribute to our management and technology strategies. We are promoting this with the total participation of the management level and all members of related divisions.
Intellectual property
Visualization of patent asset value
We use the Patent Asset Index, provided in PatentSight by LexisNexis, as an objective measure of our patents held in order to ascertain the current status of patents and conduct a comparative analysis with our competitors.
Business size (sales) / Patent Asset Index
Establishing a priority patent network for technologies to be insourced
In order to realize our 2030 target, namely, to “become a company as the Interior Space Creator which contributes in solving social issues while expanding product range and customer base,” we are strengthening our intellectual property by establishing a priority patent network for technologies to be insourced in the future based on our technology roadmap.
Percentage of patent applications in the priority patent network
Human capital in IP activites
Developing creative human resources
Our goal is to develop creative people who can continue to generate ideas. Through proactive patent application activities, we are increasing the number of opportunities to create ideas and the ratio of inventors among all engineers, leading to the development of creative human resources and fostering a culture of creativity.
Number of inventors/ratio of inventors
Strengthening collaboration with R&D divisions
In addition to in-house IP training, we transfer dedicated IP strategists from R&D divisions and carry out job rotation with R&D divisions to accelerate skill enhancement. We are also promoting more effective IP activities by strengthening collaboration with these divisions.
Intellectual property investment
Strengthening intellectual property in the seat business
In 2022, with the aim of further strengthening the competitiveness of our automotive seat business, we acquired Aisin Shiroki Corporation’s commercial rights in automotive seat frames and mechanism components for Suzuki Motor Corporation, Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., and Mazda Motor Corporation. As a result, we acquired about 200 patent rights held by Aisin Shiroki Corporation and others, making us the global leader in the number of patents held in automotive seat frames and functional components.
Number of patents held in automotive seat frames and functional components
DX in IP activities
We have been promoting business process reform in IP activities since 2021, and have systematized 92% of documents used in IP operations by FY2024. 100% systematization is scheduled to be completed by the end of FY2025. Furthermore, we are promoting the use of AI in our patent search operations. In the future, we will further expand the use of AI to ensure prompt and efficient business operations and the creation of added value.