ESG KPIs: Targets and Results

In December 2021, Toyota Boshoku Corporation established ESG KPIs, non-financial KPIs that measure social value, in addition to financial KPIs that measure economic value established in the 2025 Medium-Term Business Plan. Based on ESG KPIs, we will meet the expectations of our stakeholders by realizing our materiality and enhancing our corporate value.
These ESG KPIs are followed up at the CSV Promotion Meeting, (chaired by CSO(Chief Strategy Officer) which is held twice a year.

Also, We have also reviewed our ESG KPIs in line with the 2030 Mid-term Business Plan.
Click here to learn more about the major ESG KPIs.

<Approach to the formulation of ESG KPIs>

  1. Organize from an ESG standpoint
  2. In line with the Toyota Boshoku group Sustainability Policy
  3. Progress toward materiality can be measured
  4. In line with the Corporate Governance Code
  5. Respond to the demands of society


  • As an Interior Space Creator, we will contribute to people’s quality of life, creating comfort, safety, and reassurance through innovation
  • Using our established technical capability, we will contribute to realize a society with no traffic casualties through providing products that assure safety
  • Together with our business partners, we will realize MONOZUKURI innovations that minimize environmental stress
  • We will develop people capable of contributing to society, who have diverse values, a challenging spirit and understand the value of strong teamwork
  • We will continue to be a company of integrity trusted by all our stakeholders, inheriting our tradition of fairness and moral behavior to the next generation


NO. Materiality KPI Evaluation items FY2024 Results Target
FY26 FY31
1 (3) Plant GHG emissions reduction ratio (total volume) (compared to FY2020) Reduction of
Reduction of
Reduction of
2 (3) Renewable energy installation ratio 39% 35% 50%
3 (3) CO2 emissions ratio in logistics (compared to FY2012) Reduction of
Reduction of
Reduction of
4 (3) Waste emissions reduction ratio (compared to FY2012) Reduction of
Reduction of
Reduction of
5 (3) Water consumption reduction ratio (compared to FY2014) Reduction of
Reduction of
Reduction of
6 (3) Symbiosis with nature (number of trees planted) Cumulative
7 (3) Ratio of sales of unit components of electrified products that will lead to minimization of environmental impact 8% 10% 45%


NO. Materiality KPI Evaluation items FY2024 Results Target
FY26 FY31
8 (1)(2) Number of patent applications 369 320/year 500/year
9 (1)(2) Number of external presentations and papers 74 90/year 120/year
10 (1) Rate of new product development leading to Interior Space Creator 9% 15% 30%
11 (2) Ratio of vehicles that are expected to use products that contribute to traffic safety 25% 20% 50%
12 (5) Number of participants in social contribution activities total 2,728 total 2,000 total 2,000
13 (5) Degree of implementation of the Toyota Boshoku Group Guiding Principles 87.6% 90% 100%
14 (4) Number of stress checks conducted for all company members 1/year 1/year 1/year
15 (4) Health checkup rate 100% 100% 100%
16 (4) Number of serious accidents involving company members 1 0 0
17 (3)(5) Number of serious accidents involving outside contractors and visitors 0 0 0


NO. Materiality KPI Evaluation items FY2024 Results Target
FY26 FY31
18 (3)(5) Number of environmental abnormalities and complaints 1 0 0
19 (5) Number of serious cyber security inncidents 1 0 0
20 (5) DX certification Certified DX company
Working to obtain Noteworthy DX Company status
Noteworthy DX Company DX Grand Prix
21 (5) Number of violations of antitrust laws 0 0 0
22 (5) Number of violations of anti-bribery laws 0 0 0
23 (4)(5) Response to human rights risks in the supply chain (development of human rights due diligence) 100% expansion ratio 100% expansion ratio 100%
24 (5) External awards from customers 3 5 5
25 (5) Compliance with timely and appropriate disclosure 100% 100% 100%