Corporate Governance

Basic stance

The first item in our Corporate Philosophy is “corporate growth while fulfilling our responsibilities in harmony with society as a good corporate citizen,” and we are promoting sustainable corporate activities through rigorous adherence to corporate ethics. We believe it is important to maintain and further improve the efficiency, fairness, and transparency of management, and we aim to enhance corporate governance based on five specific items: (1) ensure shareholders’ rights and equality; (2) ensure appropriate cooperation with stakeholders other than shareholders; (3) ensure appropriate information disclosure and transparency; (4) appropriate execution of the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors; and (5) constructive dialogue with shareholders. We have also established a basic stance on compliance and risk management, and are implementing activities accordingly.

Response to the Corporate Governance Code

Toyota Boshoku has determined that it is in compliance with all principles of the Corporate Governance Code. Please refer to our Corporate Governance Report, which was submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Corporate governance system

Toyota Boshoku has appointed five internal directors and four outside directors with extensive experience and broad insight. Through their supervisory function, the outside directors serve to ensure the legality and appropriateness of decision-making by the Board of Directors and the execution of duties by directors.
The four persons appointed as outside directors satisfy the requirements for independent directors as stipulated by the Financial Instruments Exchange. They have been designated as independent directors of the Company because it has been determined that there is no risk of conflicts of interest with general shareholders.
In addition, we have adopted a corporate auditor system, in which a five-person structure that includes three outside Audit & Supervisory Board members audits the management of directors.
Audit & Supervisory Board members audit the business execution of directors, as well as the business and financial condition of subsidiaries in and outside Japan. Such initiatives, including assigning dedicated staff to the Audit & Supervisory Board Office, help strengthen the functions of the Audit & Supervisory Board.
The three persons appointed as outside Audit & Supervisory Board members satisfy the requirements for independent auditors as stipulated by the Financial Instruments Exchange. They have been designated as independent auditors of the Company because it has been determined that there is no risk of conflicts of interest with general shareholders.
The Management Advisory Council was established as a forum for the candid exchange of opinions related to such matters as management issues, appointment and dismissal of management, nomination of candidates for director and Audit & Supervisory Board member, and compensation for management and directors.

System diagram of corporate governance (as of June 12, 2024)

Figure:System diagram of corporate governance

Roles of various meeting bodies

Meeting body Role Frequency
Corporate Strategy Meeting Deliberation and orientation of important company strategies As needed
Corporate Planning Meeting
  • Important management decision-making
  • Information sharing on important matters
  • Deliberation and approval of measures to address important business execution issues
Twice a month
Corporate Management Meeting
  • Monitoring of the execution of important business operations (predictive management)
  • Responding to issues quickly and efficiently
  • Sharing information with all officers
Once a month

Ratio of outside officers

Figure:Ratio of outside officers

Business execution system

Toyota Boshoku adopts an organization consisting of six units (Corporate Operation, Research & Development, Regional Business, Functional Collaboration, Production, and Special Duties). We have introduced a Chief Officer System to ensure cross-functional cooperation, and have assigned Center Chiefs, etc. so as to clarify roles, responsibilities, and authority, simplify the decision-making process, and make quick management decisions.
The Corporate Planning Meeting is held twice a month to ascertain the status of implementation of the above, share information on important management issues, and make decisions, while the Corporate Strategy Meeting is held as necessary to deliberate and set the direction for company-wide corporate strategies, as well as products businesses and regional strategies. In this way, as well as ensuring thorough deliberation on issues prior to submission to the Board of Directors, we strive to quicken our response to management challenges. In addition, we have established the Corporate Management Meeting, where information is shared among internal directors, standing Audit & Supervisory Board members, Chief Officers, Center Chiefs, etc., as well as various committees and meeting bodies, so as to enhance deliberations on individual matters and regularly monitor and follow-up on the status of business execution based on policies decided by the Board of Directors.

(1) Board of Directors

Number of meetings held in FY2024: 13

The Board of Directors convenes at least once a month, and as the management decision-making body, decides on important management matters such as legal matters, corporate hoshin (policy), business plans and capital investment plans, and also monitors business execution.
The Board of Directors is chaired by the Chairman.
Items that should be submitted to the Board of Directors are stipulated in rules of the Board of Directors, and other items are delegated to the President, Chief Officers, Center Chiefs, etc. in accordance with the Authorization Policy.

Main discussions at the Board of Directors in FY2024

General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Decision on convocation and agenda items
  • Approval of business reports, financial statements, etc.
  • Condition of the exercise of voting rights on agenda items at the General Meeting of Shareholders
Executive officers and organization
  • Selection of representative director and executive director
  • Directors’ compensation and bonuses
Business planning, management strategy
  • Formulation of global hoshin (policy)
  • Formulation of 2030 Mid-term Business Plan
  • Deliberation on strategy including business advancement, alliances, reorganization, etc.
  • Status of investment in and collaboration with startup companies
  • ESG status
  • Revision of key environmental initiatives and 2050 Environmental Vision
  • Response to TCFD and TNFD
  • Initiatives for biodiversity
  • Status of human rights due diligence
  • Status of initiatives to prevent occupational accidents
  • Status of response to business risks
  • Status of health management
  • HR strategy (Human Capital Report)
  • Status of quality initiatives
  • Status of DX promotion
  • Progress in strategic intellectual property activities
  • Implementation of interim dividend
  • Report on operational status of basic policy on the development of internal control systems
  • Approval and report on transactions involving a conflict of interest
  • Implementation and report on assessments of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
  • Examination of stockholdings
  • Operational status of whistle-blowing system
  • Items related to property and assets

(2) Audit & Supervisory Board member, Audit & Supervisory Board

Number of meetings held in FY2024: 14

The Audit & Supervisory Board consists of two standing Audit & Supervisory Board members and three outside Audit & Supervisory Board members, and the lead standing member serves as Chair of the Audit & Supervisory Board. In FY2024 the Audit & Supervisory Board was comprised of two standing members and two outside members.
The main items discussed by the Audit & Supervisory Board include the selection of standing Audit & Supervisory Board members, audit policy and audit implementation plans, status of development and operation of internal control system, appropriateness of audit method performed by accounting auditors and the results thereof, and the preparation of audit reports.
With regard to the activities of Audit & Supervisory Board members, they conduct audits of internal divisions and group companies inside and outside Japan based on the audit policy and annual plans, communicate with directors, etc., attend the Board of Directors, Corporate Planning Meeting and other important meetings, inspect important documents, etc., and exchange information with the internal auditing department and accounting auditors.

Main discussions at Audit & Supervisory Board in FY2024 (excluding audit reports)

General management
  • Company member safety and health management, environmental management initiatives
Internal control and auditing
  • Basic policy on the development of internal control systems, etc.
  • Status of risk management
  • Status of global internal auditing system
  • Japan and non-Japan subsidiary audit results
  • Status of fraud management
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Audit & Supervisory Board

(3) Management Advisory Council

Number of meetings held in FY2024: 3

To incorporate independent perspectives, the Management Advisory Council is composed of four outside directors (Akihiro Koyama, Junko Shiokawa, Takafumi Seto, Yasuhiko Yamazaki), along with Chairman Shuhei Toyoda and President Masayoshi Shirayanagi. The chair of the Management Advisory Council is the Chairman. (FY2024 members: outside directors Akihiro Koyama, Junko Shiokawa, Takafumi Seto, Kenichiro Ito along with Chairman Shuhei Toyoda, Vice Chairman Naoki Miyazaki, and President Masayoshi Shirayanagi)
The Management Advisory Council, as an advisory body to the Board of Directors, deliberates on important corporate strategies and issues, the selection and dismissal of management, compensation, succession planning and other matters, and has the authority to determine the amount of individual compensation for directors upon resolution by the Board of Directors.
In addition, the Management Advisory Council’s members, agenda and activities were resolved by the Board of Directors in December 2018 as the Management Advisory Council Rules.

Main discussions at Management Advisory Council in FY2024

Officer compensation
  • Compensation criteria for directors and operating officers
  • Percentage of monetary compensation and number of shares under the transfer-restricted stock compensation plan for directors (excluding outside directors)
Organization & structure
  • Structure of directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members, and organizational changes
  • Selection of individuals for promotion to operating officer

Initiatives to strengthen corporate governance

Figure:Initiatives to strengthen corporate governance

Support structure for outside directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members

Internal directors and standing Audit & Supervisory Board members provide explanations about required knowledge pertaining to areas such as the Company’s businesses, financial affairs and organizations when outside directors and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members assume office. The Company also sends materials of the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board beforehand to outside directors and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members and provides them with prior explanations on the important matters of agenda items submitted to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, outside directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members are provided with reports on the progress of global hoshin (policy), and plans are made for them to tour plants and offices. The Company has assigned Audit & Supervisory staff to the Audit & Supervisory Board Office as part of a structure for supporting the day-to-day auditing activities of standing Audit & Supervisory Board members. They also support the auditing activities of outside Audit & Supervisory Board members through the operation of the Audit & Supervisory Board.

Evaluation results of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Toyota Boshoku analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of the Board of Directors as follows.

(1) Method

  • a. The officer in charge of the administrative office of the Board of Directors conducts a questionnaire and interviews with all directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members, including outside members, in February.
  • b. The evaluation results and the improvement measures for issues are summarized and reported to the Board of Directors in March for discussion.

(2) Overview of fiscal 2024 evaluation results

  • a. We have been enhancing Board of Directors meeting topics such as environmental initiatives, DX strategy, and intellectual property strategy. In addition, we have been expanding the provision of information to outside officers by holding explanations prior to Board of Directors meetings, reporting on annual plans and their implementation details at IR business briefings, etc., and also by providing opportunities for plant visits, including at plants outside Japan. Furthermore, we have continued to make improvements such as providing outside officers with opportunities to deepen their understanding of the Company's current situation, including the workplace culture, through informal discussions with company members. As a result, the evaluation has shown that the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in making important management decisions and supervising business execution has been ensured and improved
  • b. On the other hand, a view was expressed on the need to improve the materials and explanations to make the proposals for agenda items related to new businesses, new products, and business strategy, and the points in question, easier to understand
  • c. There was also a request for improvement in areas such as sharing opinions expressed by investors and analysts at IR business briefings, enhancing the discussions on issues to be addressed, providing opportunities for opinions to be exchanged solely with outside officers, and expanding opportunities for informal discussions with company members

(3) Improvement measures

Toyota Boshoku will strive to make the following improvements to ensure even greater effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

  • a. Enhance strategic discussions
    We will organize the necessary agenda items throughout the year and systematically implement topics related to management strategies based on the 2030 Mid-Term Business Plan, new businesses and new products, etc. We will also further improve information provision and meeting materials to facilitate discussion.
  • b. Enhance support for outside officers
    We will provide relevant information to deepen understanding of the Company and contribute to active discussions at the Board of Directors, including providing opportunities for outside officers to communicate with each other and have informal discussions with a diversity of company members and future executive candidates, and enhanced facility visits that develop strategies and investment opportunities.

Policy for deciding the amount of officers’ compensation and the calculation method

The “Policy for deciding the amount of compensation for Directors and Operating Officers” is resolved by the Board of Directors.

(1) Basic approach

In order to realize a compensation system that is highly linked to the Company’s business performance, the following are reflected in part of the compensation structure:

  • a. we set the disparity between positions reasonably in light of the roles and responsibilities, and
  • b. grant stock-based compensation under the transfer-restricted stock compensation plan to directors other than outside directors.

In addition, in order to reflect annual performance and efforts to improve medium-term corporate value in compensation (bonus),

  • c. the Company’s uniform annual performance and the degree of achievement of annual hoshin (policy) by each individual for the single year, and
  • d. evaluation of medium-term corporate value enhancement in terms of the enhancement of social value and economic value.

(2) Approach to the level of compensation

For the level of compensation, we select companies listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange for benchmarking, based on their corporate size, consolidated revenue, consolidated operating profit, and number of company members and we confirm the appropriateness of compensation amounts while also incorporating the results of external compensation survey organizations.

(3) Directors’ compensation

Annual compensation for directors is limited to 600 million yen (including 70 million yen for outside directors), as resolved at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 17, 2020. The number of directors as of the close of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was nine, including four outside directors.
Please see the table below, “Structure of Directors’ Compensation,” for details on the types of compensation, payment criteria, and the structure of compensation.

Structure of Directors’ Compensation

Figure:Structure of Directors’ Compensation
  • Consolidated operating profit for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 was 78.6 billion yen.
  • From fiscal 2023, the evaluation indicator for social value enhancement has been changed from a CSR evaluation score to an ESG evaluation score for CSV activities. Of the 25 main indicators that make up the ESG evaluation score, 3 are related to climate change. Specifically, rate of reduction of GHG emissions in production, rate of introduction of renewable energy, and rate of reduction of CO2 emissions in logistics.
    Please see "ESG KPIs: Targets and Results" for details on targets and results.
  • Net assets for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 were 492.9 billion yen, and the ESG evaluation score was 3.7 points (out of 5.0 points).

(4) Compensation for outside directors

Outside directors are paid only fixed monthly compensation as they are expected to fulfill their roles and responsibilities from a standpoint completely independent of business execution.

(5) Compensation for Audit & Supervisory Board members

Audit & Supervisory Board members are paid only fixed monthly compensation and there is no variable factor based on performance. Compensation for Audit & Supervisory Board members is determined through discussion among the Audit & Supervisory Board members within the limit of compensation set by resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 14, 2022 (not to exceed 130 million yen per year; the number of Audit & Supervisory Board members as of the close of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was four).

(6) Procedures for determining compensation, etc.

In order to ensure the appropriateness of the level and amount of compensation and transparency in the decision-making process, the decision on specific individual compensation payments based on the policy for deciding the amount of compensation is entrusted to the Management Advisory Council, which is composed of four independent outside directors, Chairman (the Chair of the Council), and the President.
The process is set forth in the Board of Directors Rules and the Management Advisory Council Rules, and since the amount of compensation for each individual director is determined through established procedures, the Board of Directors believes that the details thereof are in line with the policy for deciding the amount of compensation.

(7) Transfer-restricted stock compensation

The Board of Directors is scheduled to decide on the specific payment period and allocation using the stock compensation limit (within 100 million yen per year and within 100,000 shares per year) defined at the General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 17, 2020.

Applicable recipients Toyota Boshoku directors (excluding outside directors)
Timing and distribution of allowance Decided by the Board of Directors
Shares compensation system upper financial limit Up to 100 million yen per year
Upper limit on shares allowance Up to a total of 100,000 regular shares per year for applicable board members
Period of restrictions on shares transfer Until immediately after stepping down as Toyota Boshoku director
Amount paid Set by the Board of Directors at an amount that will not provide undue advantage to the applicable board member(s), based on the Tokyo Stock Exchange closing price of regular Toyota Boshoku shares on the last business day before the Board of Directors resolution
Conditions for lifting restrictions on shares transfer Restrictions will be lifted upon expiry of the period of restrictions.
However, restrictions will also be lifted upon expiration of term of office, death, or stepping down as director for other legitimate reasons.
Non-compensation acquisitions In cases where illegal activity has taken place, or there is other justifiable reason established by Toyota Boshoku’s Board of Directors, Toyota Boshoku can acquire allotted shares without compensation during the period of restrictions on shares transfer.

Total amount of compensation, etc. for directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members (April 2023–March 2024)

Category Total compensation, etc. by type (million yen)
Total compensation, etc.(million yen) Fixed compensation (Monthly compensation) Performance-linked compensation (Bonuses) Stock compensation (Transfer-restricted stock) Number of persons to be paid
Director (of which outside directors) 464
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (of which outside Audit & Supervisory Board members) 97
Total (of which outside officers) 562

  • The above fixed compensation includes one director and one Audit & Supervisory Board member who retired as of the close of the 98th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 13, 2023.
  • The number of persons to whom performance-linked compensation (bonuses) and stock compensation (transfer-restricted stock) will be paid is five directors (excluding outside directors).

Policy and procedure for appointing and dismissing senior management, and nominating candidates for director and Audit & Supervisory Board member

The appointment and dismissal of senior management and the nomination of candidates for director and Audit & Supervisory Board member are discussed and deliberated by the Management Advisory Council before the Board of Directors makes a resolution. Our policy for the appointment of senior management and the nomination of director candidates is based on a comprehensive review from the perspective of having the right people in the right places, so that accurate and prompt decisions can be made while taking into consideration the extent to which they can cover the skills necessary for execution and supervision.
The policy on nomination of candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board member involves a comprehensive examination of whether the person has knowledge regarding finance and accounting, a general understanding of the Company’s business and diverse perspectives on corporate management.
The policy on nomination of candidates for outside director and Audit & Supervisory Board member involves a comprehensive examination of the requirements for externality stipulated in the Companies Act and the independence criteria established by the Financial Instruments Exchange, and whether the person has extensive experience and broad insight.

Skill matrix of Director and Audit & Supervisory Board member (as of June 12, 2024)

Position Name Management Advisory Council Corporate management Global R&D MONOZUKURI (production) Sales and procurement Finance and Accounting Human resources and HITOZUKURI Legal and compliance Environment and energy IT and digital
Chairman Shuhei Toyoda      
President Masayoshi Shirayanagi    
Director, Operating Officer Hiroshi Ioki          
Director, Operating Officer Shunichi Iwamori        
Director, Operating Officer Hiroki Tsunoda          
Outside Director Akihiro Koyama            
Outside Director Junko Shiokawa              
Outside Director Takafumi Seto          
Outside Director Yasuhiko Yamazaki        
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Yasushi Minami            
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Kazuo Koide            
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Hiroyuki Yokoyama            
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Hiroshi Miura              
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Yoshito Fujikawa            

Reasons for election of outside officers

Classification Name Independent Officer Supplementary explanation regarding suitability items Reasons for election Number of Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board attended in fiscal 2024
Directors Akihiro Koyama Mr. Koyama was elected as a director because it was deemed that he could reflect his research into such areas as corporate finance and corporate governance and also his expert knowledge acquired over many years in corporate management from a global perspective in the management of the Company and contribute to maintaining and strengthening of the Company’s corporate governance. Board of Directors
13/13 meetings
Junko Shiokawa Ms. Shiokawa was elected as a director because it was deemed that she could reflect in the management of the Company the broad insight she has gained as a lawyer on global cases related to investment funds, finance, cross-border M&A, and investment fund-related dispute resolution, and contribute to maintaining and strengthening of the Company’s corporate governance. Board of Directors
13/13 meetings
Takafumi Seto Dr. Seto was elected as a director because it was deemed that he could reflect in the management of the Company his research in conjunction with his diverse engineering knowledge and skills, and offer valuable insights regarding pioneering research for future society, as well as conduct joint research with the Company on the theme of realizing comfortable spaces for near-future automobiles, and contribute to the Company’s future business. Board of Directors
13/13 meetings
Yasuhiko Yamazaki Mr. Yamazaki is a Executive Vice President of Denso Corporation, a business partner of the Company. Mr. Yamazaki was elected as a director because it was deemed that he could reflect his experience as an Executive Vice President of Denso Corporation, where he also serves as Chief Innovation Officer、Chief Quality Officer、Chief Human Resources Officer in the technology and human resources fields, the Head of the Australasian region and South Korea, and has a wealth of experience and knowledge working in various businesses, functions, and overseas postings, including as the Head of overseas offices and the Head of company-wide manufacturing functions, and contribute to maintaining the Company’s corporate governance. Board of Directors
-/- meetings*1
Audit & Supervisory Board members Hiroyuki Yokoyama Former Executive Advisor, Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., a business partner of the Company Mr. Yokoyama was elected as an Audit & Supervisory Board member because it was deemed that he could reflect his experience in the Quality Assurance Division and at overseas locations at Toyota Motor Corporation, as well as his extensive experience and insight gained at Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., in the audit system of the Company and contribute to maintaining and strengthening of the Company’s corporate governance. Board of Directors
13/13 meetings
Audit & Supervisory Board
14/14 meetings
Hiroshi Miura Mr. Miura was elected as an Audit & Supervisory Board member because it was deemed that he could reflect his experience as a certified public accountant and broad insights related to accounting, financial auditing and governance from his experience over many years in financial auditing and corporate management advisory services, and contribute to maintaining and strengthening the Company’s governance. Board of Directors
13/13 meetings
Audit & Supervisory Board
14/14 meetings
Yoshito Fujikawa Mr. Fujikawa was elected as an Audit & Supervisory Board member because it was deemed that he could reflect his experience as an attorney-at -law and patent attorney, extensive knowledge and experience in corporate governance, litigation, and other dispute-related legal affairs, as well as in corporate legal work, including intellectual property, to the Company’s corporate governance. Board of Directors
-/- meetings*2
Audit & Supervisory Board
-/- meetings*2

  • In addition to the stated number of Board of Directors meetings, during FY2024, there was one instance of a written resolution deemed to be a resolution of the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 370 of the Companies Act and Article 23 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation
  • Director Yasuhiko Yamazaki was nominated as outside directors at the 99th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held on June 12, 2024
  • Audit & Supervisory Board member Yoshito Fujikawa was nominated as an outside Audit & Board member at the 99th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held on June 12, 2024

Support for training the next generation of executive management candidates

Our global succession committees facilitate discussions each year between current operating officers and above concerning training and optimal placement of human resources for succession in executive management and as presidents of business entities inside and outside Japan.
Committees have been established to handle different posts: the GSCT*1 discusses executive management candidates, the GSC*2 discusses global key posts, such as presidents of business entities inside and outside Japan, and RSC*3 discusses other important posts. We introduced a skills matrix for the executive level as an initiative for training human resources for succession to clarify capabilities and experience along with training issues. In addition, we conduct global executive training programs (GEDP*4 and GLDP*5) in an effort to achieve planned training of global leaders. GEDP and GLDP participants learn the history and shared values of Toyota Boshoku group. Furthermore, we nurture their fundamental capabilities as managers, and conduct training to boost their capabilities in organization and human resource management, etc. We began these in fiscal 2019, and up to fiscal 2024, a total of 93 members have taken GEDP and 110 have taken GLDP.
From fiscal 2025, we began to register 100 human resources (NEXT100) who will lead the Toyota Boshoku group into the future. As a training measure for members of the NEXT100, in addition to GEDP and GLDP, we are planning to introduce a leader development program for group manager level members, who are ineligible for GEDP and GLDP.

  • Global Succession Committee by Top Executives
  • Global Succession Committee
  • Regional Succession Committee
  • Global Executive Development Program: Selective training program for senior executive positions
  • Global Leader Development Program: Selective training program for junior executives and managers