Shareholders Return
Basic policy
The Company considers the securing of profits for shareholders as one of its important management issues, along with investment in growth areas and the return of results to employees, business partners, and local communities, and will pay dividends based on the following basic policy.
Since net income may fluctuate significantly due to changes in the external environment and other factors, in addition to consolidated financial results and dividend payout ratio, we have adopted DOE* in line with our policy of "maintaining long-term stable dividends. Specifically, we aim to achieve a DOE of 3% or more to ensure a stable return of profits to shareholders and meet their expectations.
- DOE(Dividend On Equity Ratio):Dividend ÷ Equity (Total equity attributable to owners of the parent)
Cash dividends
In continuing to place priority on providing shareholders with long-term stable dividends of 86 yen per share were paid for the fiscal 2024 under revies.
Shareholder Benefits
Toyota Boshoku does not currently offer shareholder benefits. Our basic policy is to return profits to our shareholders through dividends.